Astro Islands

Astro Islands (aka Component Islands) are a pattern of web architecture pioneered by Astro. The idea of “islands architecture” was first coined by Etsy’s frontend architect Katie Sylor-Miller in 2019, and expanded on in this post by Preact creator Jason Miller.

The term “Astro Island” refers to an interactive UI component on an otherwise static page of HTML. Multiple islands can exist on a page, and an island always renders in isolation. Think of them as islands in a sea of static, non-interactive HTML.

Header (interactive island)

Static content like text, images, etc.

Source: Islands Architecture: Jason Miller

In Astro, you can use any supported UI framework (React, Svelte, Vue, etc.) to render islands in the browser. You can mix and match different frameworks on the same page, or just pick your favorite.

The technique that this architectural pattern builds on is known as partial or selective hydration. Astro leverages this technique behind the scenes, powering your islands automatically.

Astro generates every website with zero client-side JavaScript, by default. Use a frontend UI component built with React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, SolidJS, AlpineJS, or Lit and Astro will automatically render it to HTML ahead of time and then strip out all of the JavaScript. This keeps every site fast by default by removing all unused JavaScript from the page.

// Example: Use a static React component on the page, without JavaScript.
import MyReactComponent from '../components/MyReactComponent.jsx';
<!-- 100% HTML, Zero JavaScript loaded on the page! -->
<MyReactComponent />

But sometimes, client-side JavaScript is required for creating interactive UI. Instead of forcing your entire page to become a single-page JavaScript application (SPA), Astro asks you to create an island.

// Example: Use a dynamic React component on the page.
import MyReactComponent from '../components/MyReactComponent.jsx';
<!-- This component is now interactive on the page!
The rest of your website remains static and zero JS. -->
<MyReactComponent client:load />

With Astro Islands, the vast majority of your site remains pure, lightweight HTML and CSS. In the example above, you have just added a single, isolated island of interactivity without also changing the rest of the page.

What are the benefits of Islands?

Section titled What are the benefits of Islands?

The most obvious benefit of building with Astro Islands is performance: the majority of your website is converted to fast, static HTML and JavaScript is only loaded for the individual components that need it. JavaScript is one of the slowest assets that you can load per-byte, so every byte counts.

Another benefit is parallel loading. In the example illustration above, the low-priority “image carousel” island doesn’t need to block the high-priority “header” island. The two load in parallel and hydrate in isolation, meaning that the header becomes interactive immediately without having to wait for the heavier carousel lower down the page.

Even better, you can tell Astro exactly how and when to render each component. If that image carousel is really expensive to load, you can attach a special client directive that tells Astro to only load the carousel when it becomes visible on the page. If the user never sees it, it never loads.

In Astro, it’s up to you as the developer to explicitly tell Astro which components on the page need to also run in the browser. Astro will only hydrate exactly what’s needed on the page and leave the rest of your site as static HTML.

Islands are the secret to Astro’s fast-by-default performance story!